Carlos Ruiz del Castillo Pérez de Arenaza

Huevos en cocotte

Receta: Huevos en Cocotte

Los huevos en cocotte son una preparacin de huevo en la que se cocinan individualmente en pequeos recipientes, tpicamente llamados «cocottes» o cazuelitas. Este mtodo de coccin implica verter un huevo en un recipiente pequeo, como una cazuela o un ramekin, y luego cocinarlo en el horno o en bao Mara hasta que la clara … Leer más

Tipo de tomates

Tipo de tomates

There are a wide variety of types of tomatoes, each with unique characteristics in flavor, texture, shape and color. Some of the most common types of tomatoes include: These are just a few examples, but there are a wide range of tomato varieties grown around the world, each with their own distinctive characteristics.

Cuchillos profesionales del Chef

Cuchillos profesionales del Chef

Choosing professional knives for a kitchen chef is crucial, as these instruments are essential tools in food preparation. Here are some types of professional knives that are common in the kitchen and that many chefs consider essential: Chef’s Knife: It is the most versatile and essential knife in the kitchen. It has a wide, sharp … Leer más

Los mejores libros de Cocina

Los mejores libros de Cocina

In our first post we present the website that contains a literary selection of the best Cooking and Gastronomy books, where each publication is a new gastronomic adventure. Ready to explore the world through the palate and the pages of the best cookbooks? Let’s cook and read together! Cooking Books Selection: Libros en Espaol … Leer más